Doing What’s Needed
Providing access to clean water by digging wells of hope is one of our ongoing projects at Liberia Life Ministries. Having a well in a village makes a real and positive difference for residents. This year we have begun a new initiative providing water filters for communities. We hold out much hope for this new and much more affordable initiative (roughly $40 per filter) . We welcome your assistance i providing this portable and efficient method for providing clean water to families. .
Providing health care
Our current initiatives involve providing health clinics for families. We serve children 0-17 years old. With only 28% of children fully immunized and 35% malnourished, medical attention is an urgent need. We hold clinics at our Buchanan LLM headquarters. Sometimes our clinics are mobile as we go into nearby villages to provide medical services. Our dream is to build a permanent Children's hospital providing quality medical care for the community in Buchanan and beyond.
Making a Difference
We see every challenge as an opportunity and this initiative helps us provide enrichment and support to families and spiritual leaders. We are committed to having a library with access to educational resources, tutoring services, and seminars.
Sharing the Gospel
Central to our ministry is sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Since the highest need of people is a personal relationship with God, we share how children and families can know God. We give them the opportunity to receive Jesus Christ, without coercion. Children and families who decide to receive Jesus Christ are referred to Christ centered churches.