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Jesus said, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as scripture has said, rivers of living waters will flow from within them.”   John 7:37-38


For residents of Gaypeter, in Grand Bassa County, Liberia, Jesus’ invitation to come and drink took on special significance as they participated in the dedication of a well in their community on March 4, 2018.  Liberia Life Ministries (LLM) dedicated a brand new well for the Liberian Inland Christian Academy at Gaypeter.  The Bohn-Garmai Kiamue Memorial Well named in honor of the late mother of Marie Paye, LLM Board member and wife of the LLM Pastor and Executive Director, Robert Paye, will now provide clean drinking water for this mission school, church, and community.  No longer will families have to pay to fetch water about a third of a mile down the road in Poen-nah, or even walk a mile to Gardee town to get water. Because of this well, now located in their community, no fewer than 800 people will enjoy access to clean drinking water.

Construction of the well began in November 2017 with funds donated by Liberia Life Ministries. Drilling and construction technicians report that digging this well was challenging and required extra effort. They had to go down 57 feet before finding water! Their ultimate success has now yielded a ready source of quality drinking water for the community. 


The Dedication service, immediately after church on this Sunday, attracted clergy members, (including Head Pastor Gaypue Wamah and his wife, Pastor Daniel Jaycee who pastors United Liberian Inland Church*), administrators, teachers and students of Liberian Inland Christian Academy, and community members. Those in attendance offered praise and worship to God for the wonderful gift of water. Before the ceremony ended, some water was pumped for the attendant to sample.  Everyone present were overjoyed. “Thank God for water!” Everyone sang, clapped, and danced. What a joy to finally have water right on the mission!  Heartfelt thanks to LLM and its vision bearers for providing the funds to bring this gift of water to Gaypeter, Liberia.


*Note—The United Inland Church is a product of Liberia Inland Missions established by the worldwide Evangelization Crusade (WEC). This is where Pastor Robert and his wife, Marie, accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord as teenagers.



Liberia Life Ministries held its 3rd annual fundraiser on October 22, 2017 at Fountain View Recreation Center in Carol Stream.  Guests were treated to special music, an inspiring message by Rev. Terrance Perkins, a raffle, and dinner which Included an opportunity to enjoy a Taste of Liberia.
The evening concluded with a special recognition for Dr. James K. Hoffmeier, outgoing Board President, and his wife, Kathy. (pictured above).


 Liberia Life ministry is a 501 c-3 nonprofit established in Carol Stream, Illinois. Founded in December 2012, the goal of this nonprofit was simple, meet the spiritual, health, and educational needs of families in Liberia, West Africa.


25W560 Geneva Rd., Suite 9, Carol Stream, IL 60188


Mailing address: P.O.Box 88336

Carol Stream, IL 60188


All donations are tax deductible.






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